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Dec 28, 2017

A Kia covered in tar near Orangeburg, SC | Superior KiaIf you’re like millions of other people, you probably cringe with anxiety when you’re approaching a construction site in your new Kia. As you drive over that gravel or newly paved road, you just know you’re going to end up with tar on your shiny new paint job. One way or another, tar will probably find its way onto your vehicle’s surface where it sticks like Elmer’s Glue in a kindergarten classroom. Fortunately, with the right products, and some good pointers, you can wipe it away. These are four top tips from your friends at Superior Kia for removing tar from your paint job.

Gather Your Tools and Supplies

To get started on this little project you’ll need to gather up some tools and supplies.  We suggest tar remover, which is available in the auto supply stores. You can also use the following; WD-40, Goo Gone, or gasoline. Research and review the product that will work best for your vehicle. Also, gather some soft cloths and protective gloves. Choose a shaded area, such as your garage that is well ventilated.

Apply the Chosen Remover

Commercial products like tar remover, WD40, or Goo Gone will work best, but rumor has it there are also some everyday products, like gasoline, or peanut butter, that will do the job and remove tar from your car. See what you have available and apply your chosen product to the area on your car’s body that was splattered with tar. If using anything but tar remover made specifically for removing tar, you will need to let the product sit on the tar for a minute or two.

Wipe it Clean

Make sure you don’t use any abrasive cloths as they may scratch the surface of the paint making the situation much worse. Wait patiently for the product to do its job. Then wipe the area gently with a soft cloth. Do not rub vigorously or you could damage your paint job. If the tar didn’t come off, re-apply the product or choose a new one. Unfortunately some types of tar are more difficult than others to remove, and the freshness of the tar and the temperature outside can affect the difficulty of removal. So the lesson is, be patient and try again.

Wash and Inspect Your Car

Once you remove the tar, look around for any other tar splashes you might have missed that also need to be removed. Then wipe the surface to remove any leftover residue from the removal product you applied. Leaving the product on for a long time could damage the paint job and cause discoloration, so don’t leave it on too long. If for some reason the tar won’t come off, take it to your dealership for advice. Then, wash your car thoroughly, because it’s always nice to have a clean, shiny car.

Your car is a big investment, and keeping both the outside and inside in like-new condition will help maintain its value. Therefore, It’s important to look over your car periodically and be proactive in repairing and minimizing damage. Bring your car in routinely to the service professionals at Superior Kia to assure yourself that your vehicle will last as long as possible.


Image via Flickr by James Case