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Apr 14, 2016

Taking a long road trip always seems like a good idea since you can save money on travel and you have full control over where you go. A couple hundred miles into the drive, though, people can start to get cranky.

This summer, follow these four tips so everyone in the vehicle will enjoy spending time on the road.

Make Several Playlists Before the Trip

It’s often difficult to find good radio stations as you drive from state to state. Avoid this problem by making several playlists before you leave home.

Try making a variety of playlists to match different moods and driving conditions. If you start to feel sleepy behind the wheel, it helps to turn on an energetic playlist that will get your blood pumping. If you start to feel stressed out by traffic, then you may need a calming playlist that helps you stay in control of your emotions.

Catch up on Your Favorite TV Shows

A road trip is the perfect time to binge watch your favorite TV shows. If you’re taking a really long drive, then you’ll want to fill a few DVDs with shows that have been on air for several seasons. Some great options include:

  • “Battlestar Galactica”
  • “Seinfeld”
  • “SpongeBob SquarePants”
  • “The Wire”

Of course, you can choose any show or movie that you like.

Sorry drivers, but this one isn’t for you. At least you can use TV shows to keep the kids quiet.

Play Games to Pass the Time

Long car rides have encouraged children and adults to come up with dozens of inventive games to pass the time. Some popular games you should learn before taking your road trip include:

  • “Cows on My Side”
  • “The Alphabet Game”
  • “The Name Game”
  • “The Counting Game”
  • “Did You Hear That…?”
  • “21 Questions”

Most of these games don’t require so much as paper and pencil. They’re more about having fun than trying to win, but you can keep track of points if your passengers enjoy competition.

Take Detours to Quirky Destinations

You don’t have to stay on the road until you reach your destination. In fact, taking a few detours could make your road trip more fun. Of course, those detours will also give you a chance to stretch your legs and refresh yourself so you can focus on your driving.

There are a lot of quirky tourist attractions worth visiting. Some interesting places you can stop before leaving South Carolina include:

  • An odd statue of war hero Francis “Swamp Fox” Marion in Johnsonville
  • Garden City Beach’s Spaceship House
  • The atom bomb crater in Mars Bluff

Some of these sites are on private property, so make sure you find out whether the owners allow visitors. You don’t want to cur your vacation short by getting arrested for trespassing!

A road trip can introduce you to parts of the country that you wouldn’t otherwise see. If you decide to take a long drive this summer, try using these four tips to make the experience more enjoyable.