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Aug 23, 2018

A driver adjusting the rear view mirror of their new car | Superior KiaIf you’ve been driving the same car for a long time, you’ve gotten used to how it brakes, where the controls are, and how it handles. When it comes time to trade in your old vehicle for a new one, you might feel some apprehension about learning everything you need to know about your new car. Fortunately, by keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be feeling comfortable behind the wheel of your new vehicle in no time.

  1. Adjust the Mirrors

One of the first things you’ll likely notice when you get in your new vehicle is that the mirrors are in slightly different positions, which will give you a different view around the vehicle. To make sure you feel comfortable driving your new vehicle, take some time to adjust the mirrors properly. Your rearview mirror should give you a complete view of the back window without needing to move your head. For the best view using your side mirrors, you should see a small section of the side of your car, and the horizon should be in the middle of the mirror.

  1. Learn the Brakes

Every vehicle has a different feel and response time when it comes to braking. You’ll feel more comfortable in your new vehicle when you have a better idea of how much pressure you need to apply to the brake pedal to get the vehicle to slow down. To get used to braking, make sure you leave plenty of space between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Also, when you’re approaching stopped traffic, don’t wait until the last minute to start braking.

  1. Familiarize Yourself With the Controls

Before you start driving your new vehicle, take some time to learn where all the controls are. Make sure you know how to turn on the windshield wipers, headlights, and hazard lights. If your vehicle has an infotainment system that includes Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, such as the Kia Optima, be sure your smartphone is properly connected. Finally, don’t forget the little details, like knowing which side of the vehicle has the fuel tank door.

  1. Get Used to New Handling

Along with braking response time, your new vehicle’s handling will also feel different until you get used to it. Part of the reason new cars have a different feel is because the tires have a thin, oil-like coating that’s a result of new rubber and a release agent on the tire mold. This coating takes time to wear off, so you’ll want to use extra care when driving, especially during wet weather.

  1. Take it Easy

The best way to feel comfortable driving your new car is to simply take it easy when you’re on the road. Avoid fast accelerations and sudden stops until you have a better idea of how your vehicle will react. Within a few weeks, it will feel like second nature when you’re driving your new car.

Getting the behind the wheel of your new vehicle doesn’t have to feel daunting when you keep these helpful tips in mind.


Image by State Farm, Licensed via CC BY 2.0