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Nov 18, 2022

It’s easy to take for granted, but with the car AC not working, you’ll quickly appreciate how much you rely on it to keep the air in the cabin cool and dry. To guarantee a comfortable drive, make sure that you stay alert to the health of your system and can recognize when it’s time to contact your Kia dealer.

Photo of a car's air conditioning controls near Orangeburg, SC

Preparing To Check

If you’ve noticed that the atmosphere in your car isn’t as comfortable as it should be, it’s worth taking some time to check the aircon while the car is parked. With the engine running, first make sure that the system is turned on, running at max power, and switched to the coldest setting, so that you can effectively judge where the problem might lie.

Aircon Won’t Turn On (or Off!)

One of the most obvious problems with the AC occurs when there’s no response when you flick the switch. There are many reasons why the system might refuse to run, including broken switches, dials, or fuses, faulty wiring or valves, low refrigerant, or a bad compressor.

Conversely, it’s also a problem if the system won’t switch off, as this can also point to malfunctioning controls and could lead to a dead battery if it continues while the engine isn’t running.

Air Won’t Blow Cold

Another sign of malfunctioning aircon is when the system switches on, but the air from the vents isn’t cool or even blows warm. This might just be a case of low refrigerant levels that can be solved with a refill, but it might also point to a broken condenser, electrical faults, blockages, or damaged fans. You rely on your AC to keep your car comfortable, so schedule an appointment for a specialist to diagnose the problem as soon as you can.

Bad Smells From the Vents

You can rely on your nose to let you know about some problems in the aircon system, as they’ll make themselves apparent with bad smells in the cabin. Dirty air filters or a buildup of mold will lead to a musty, mildewed odor from the vents, while a refrigerant leak might mean that the car has a sweet or chemical-like fragrance. Nothing will spoil a drive faster than a nasty smell, so this is another reason to book your car in for an aircon checkup.

Problems with the air conditioning might not prevent you from reaching your destination, but you don’t want to risk the discomfort of a long drive on a warm day. And the good news is that you don’t have to live with that nagging sense of irritation or worry. Contact us at Superior Kia and make the most of our friendly and professional service while we make sure that every part of your car is running like new.

image courtesy of via pexels