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Oct 8, 2021

Whichever car you are driving, you need to have the brakes in top condition for safety purposes. Brakes undergo wear and tear over time, so to keep them in top form, you should get a brake repair if you encounter any of these signs.

Does Your Kia Need a Brake Repair?

Brake Light Is On

The most obvious indicator of an issue with the brakes is when the dashboard brake light turns on. If the parking brake/brake fluid warning light does not go off after you have powered on the engine and released the parking brake, the brake fluid level might be too low. Another warning light related to the brakes is the ABS, and if it turns on when driving, there is a malfunction with the ABS.


Squealing Noises

Brakes are supposed to hug the rotor quietly. If they start producing a high-pitched noise every time you press on the brake pedal, then the pads are worn out and need replacements. This feature is built into brake pads in the form of wear indicators.


The more the pads wear, the more the wear indicators get exposed. Therefore, they will contact the rotor. Since they are metallic, and so is the rotor, the result is a squealing sound when they make contact.


Vibrating Brake Pedal

At times you might experience a vibrating brake pedal or steering wheel whenever you step on the brakes. This issue could be due to worn-out brake pads or an uneven rotor.


Rotors wear out very slowly because they are built using cast iron. Brake pads are designed to take most of the damage because they consist of a softer material. However, rotors still experience friction, and over time, they become thin. At this stage, the material might warp if you step on the brakes because it won’t handle the pressure. This warping causes the pads to move unevenly over the surface, causing vibrations.

Car Pulls to One Side When Braking

If your vehicle’s front brake pads wear out unevenly or the calipers don’t apply even pressure, it will create unbalanced stopping, which will pull the car to one side. The issue could be due to other problems, such as foreign particles in the brake fluid. You need a thorough diagnosis to identify the root of the problem.


Burning Smell

This sign is usually caused by overheating brakes, which cause the rim to warm up and burn some of the tires at the point of contact. If the issue is not the parking brake, it could be a big problem that can cause complete brake failure. You need to pull over immediately and have your car checked before going on with the journey.


Soft Brake Pedal/Unresponsive Brakes

If the brake pedal feels soft to the point where you have to floor it, there could be air, moisture, or a leak in the system. Such unresponsive brakes are very risky because they can lead to avoidable collisions.


There you have it. If you experience any of these signs when driving your Kia vehicle, call Superior Kia to get our experts to fix your brakes asap.