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Dec 23, 2022

Are your Kia headlights looking dim? It may be time for a trip to the dealer for some new ones. Knowing when it’s time to replace the headlights on your Kia can be tricky, but there are some signs to look out for. Read on to find out if you should make a trip to the Kia dealer for new headlights.

You Notice Dim or Yellowing Lights

If you’ve noticed that your headlights look dimmer than usual or have a yellow tint, then it’s time to have them inspected by a professional. This could signify that your headlights are failing and need to be replaced. Fortunately, replacing headlights on a Kia is easy and can usually be done in a matter of minutes. It is always important to visit your local mechanic to get the correct parts.

Your Lights Flicker or Go Out Completely

If your headlights start to flicker or go out completely, it could mean that the wiring is faulty or that the bulbs are worn out. Either way, if your lights are flickering, you should have a professional check them out and replace them if necessary. You may need other electrical work on your car’s system.

There are Cracks or Discoloration on the Headlight Lens

If you’ve noticed cracks or discoloration on your Kia’s headlights, you should consider a trip to the dealer for new ones. Cracks and discoloration indicate that the headlight lens no longer provides the protection needed for safe nighttime driving. Discoloration can be caused by age and wear, dirt buildup, and exposure to sunlight. The damage can cause light beams to be distorted, reducing visibility and creating a dangerous driving situation.

Frequent Changing of Bulbs

Your bulbs will eventually burn out due to wear and tear. However, if you notice that you are changing them too frequently, there is a problem. An electrical issue, moisture, or a corroded socket could be responsible for premature burnouts. Changing your bulbs too often is a headache and an overpriced one too. You can find out about the lifespan of bulbs in the manual. You’ll know that it’s time for service if it doesn’t match what you’re experiencing.

There Is Only One Working Headlight

If you’ve noticed that one of the headlights has stopped working, it’s time to check it out. One of the best ways to tell if you need to replace your headlights is to pay attention to how they look while driving at night. You’ll want to ensure that both headlights produce a bright, clear beam.

If you’re noticing that your Kia’s headlights aren’t providing the same quality of light as they once did, it may be time to take a trip to the dealership. Faulty or burned-out headlights can be dangerous and could lead to a ticket, so it’s best to address the issue as soon as possible. Visit Superior Motors Kia today if you need a headlight replacement.

Image courtesy of Eliel Frances Etruiste via pexels