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Sep 7, 2023

Fishing: there’s no better way to spend a peaceful afternoon. Fishing is the perfect weekend sport for all seasons–even the dead of winter. In this guide, we tackle four excellent fishing spots in and around Orangeburg, SC.

A child fishing off of a dock near Orangeburg, South Carolina.

Start Out at Orangeburg National Fish Hatchery

What better place is there to fish than a hatchery? Orangeburg National Fish Hatchery at 427 Lakeview St SW has been conserving and protecting the environment since 1911. This is one of 70 hatcheries belonging to the Fed that spread out across the United States. Though their intention is to gestate at-risk, local species, they do offer recreational fishing to guests. It’s almost like fishing in a barrel!

So, drop by the hatchery and head to the reservoir. You’ll get your chance at largemouth bass, bluegill sunfish, and maybe a catfish or two. There are 100 acres of water open to shoreside anglers and non-motorized boats. The kids and family can take to the hatchery trail and see how the fish transform from little fries in one pool, to full-grown adults in another.

Drop by Ocain’s Pond

Just off the US Highway 21 rests Ocain’s Pond. At first glance, it’s an unassuming place known only to the locals. That makes it the perfect getaway for an angler who would prefer not to fish around swimmers or weekend visitors. There’s a single pier to cast off at, with a dirt path surrounding the pond.

Regulars catch largemouth bass and walleye during their time pondside. Come prepared with a cooler for lunch and a nice comfy chair. Back your new Kia Sorento near the pond’s edge and pop open the trunk to create a comfy base of operations.

Try Out Gramling Pond

Another local favorite, Gramling Pond–formerly home to Gramling Hunting and Fishing Club–is a similar-sized body of water.  Similar to Ocain’s, it’s an easy-to-miss spot off the 150 Southbound. You’ll be on foot to reach the water’s edge through the underbrush, but those who spend a morning there find it’s worth it. A thick treeline makes the area feel quiet and isolated from nearby thoroughfares.

There’s a tiny bit more variety at Gramling. Aside from the largemouth bass common in South Carolina, you may stumble upon the odd bluegill or redbreast sunfish.

Finish at County Hatchery Pond

You started off at a hatchery, so complete your tour of Orangeburg fishing locations with Country Hatchery Pond off Cannon Bridge Road. These spawning pools belong to Orangeburg County rather than to the federal government. If there were too many people at the national hatchery, then consider the smaller venue here.

Find the perfect Kia to power your travels around Orangeburg. Visit us at Superior Kia in Orangeburg, and we’ll find the Kia you’ve been dreaming of.

Photo courtesy of 822640 via Pixabay