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May 22, 2023

Each spark plug has an ignition coil connected to it. A spark plug only produces 12 volts, and its connected coil boosts this power to 60,000 volts to ensure combustion in the cylinder. Coils can become worn out or damaged and will need replacement. As your Kia dealer, we want to tell you about signs of a faulty ignition coil.

Four ignition coils lined up at a service center near Orangeburg, South Carolina

Check Engine Light

A problem with the ignition coil will cause a variety of additional problems for your engine. These problems include misfiring, sluggish acceleration, and increased fuel usage. Modern engines contain numerous sensors, and these sensors monitor engine components to ensure they’re working efficiently. The sensors continuously update your car’s computer with information.

Sensors are capable of detecting even minute variances in the performance of the component they’re attached to. Any problem caused by a failing coil will be noticed immediately. Your computer will log the problem with an error code and will illuminate the check engine light. Our technicians will examine the coils, and we can quickly replace any damaged ones.

Decreased Mileage

Every driver has at least a rough idea of how much fuel they generally use. If you suddenly find you have to make more frequent trips to the pump than you previously did, you could have one or more damaged coils. If a coil is damaged and doesn’t generate enough power to boost its attached spark plug, combustion in its cylinder will become less efficient.

A lack of power for the spark plug means that a large portion of the fuel in a cylinder won’t burn. The unburned fuel is dumped into the catalytic converter after combustion, and it’s converted with other dangerous gases into less harmful ones. The newly-converted and harmless gases are then expelled from the exhaust pipe. The extra fuel lost due to a damaged coil will quickly cause an increase in fuel consumption.

Rough Idling

When your car is idling, the combustion process continues, but at a slower rate. The spark plugs still require a boost from the coils for combustion. A damaged coil can sometimes be easier to identify at a lower and slower rate of combustion. You might experience strange sounds from your engine, or the engine might feel rough.

If your car seems to be idling roughly, call our service department right away. Worn coils aren’t the only reason for rough idling, but they’re the most common one. Our technicians will examine your engine, and we can quickly replace any damaged coils if they’re causing the problem.

Damaged coils can result in damage to other engine components if they’re not repaired. Call us today at Superior Motors Kia.