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Feb 26, 2024

Unsure how to pack for the unexpected? Let’s dive into the essentials you should keep in your car for emergencies. We’ll break it down into three main sections: Tools, First Aid, and Food. Each section will include a brief explanation of why it’s important to have these items in your car and some examples of what to include.

A woman taking a bag out of her 2024 Kia Telluride near Orangeburg, South Carolina


When you’re on the road, having the right tools can make a huge difference if you run into an unexpected service issue. Tools aren’t just handy; they’re a necessity for dealing with unexpected issues like a flat tire or a dead battery. Think about including things like a multi-tool, jumper cables, a flashlight with extra batteries, and reflective safety gear to keep you visible if you’re stranded at night.

First Aid

A first aid kit is a very useful thing to always have at hand, and it can be easy to forget to prepare one until a need arises. Minor injuries or health issues can sometimes happen without warning. Your kit should have basics like bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any personal medications that might be necessary in a pinch. A well-prepared first aid kit can help keep you and your passengers safe until you can get more assistance if needed.


Lastly, keeping some non-perishable snacks and water in your car is a smart move, especially for longer trips or if you get stuck somewhere unexpectedly. Energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits are great because they don’t take up much space, and they can give you a much-needed energy boost when you’re tired. And don’t forget about water—it’s essential for staying hydrated, especially in hot weather or if you’re waiting for roadside assistance to arrive.

Putting together an emergency kit might seem like a bit of a chore, but it’s one of those things you’ll be glad to have if you ever need it. Visit us in Orangeburg today for a service appointment to help reduce the chances of unexpected car trouble.