Today: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
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Jun 27, 2016

As summer hits, it is important to keep an eye on your vehicle. Unfortunately, even though summer is great for many people, it’s a tough time for your car. There are hazards you should watch out for. Make sure your car is protected this summer by safeguarding against hot weather, extra driving, and more.

Protect the Interior

When the sun is beating down on your parked vehicle, the car is susceptible to interior damage. Not only does it get extremely hot inside a parked car in the summer, the heat and light work together to fade your upholstery. Dashboards and steering wheels also fade over time because of the extra sunlight. There are steps you can take to ensure you keep the inside of your car looking great.

First, use a windshield sunshade. Shades are easy to find at dealerships, auto parts stores, and even department stores. They usually fold, making them easy to store in the car. When using a sunshade, you’re cutting down on the sun’s rays and reducing the heat buildup in the car.

Wipe your car down with commercial products that help protect against damage from the sun. You can find these at many of the same places you’ll find sunshades. When using sun protection products, you are giving the car’s surfaces an extra layer of protection.

Check the Battery and Fluids

It’s a smart idea to take your car to a dealership regularly during the summer to get a professional eye on the vehicle’s mechanical workings. The mechanic can check the battery, fluids, and any other possible problem areas. Summer heat causes fluid evaporation, which can put extra strain on the battery. It’s also important to make sure all fluids are topped off. One of the biggest concerns in the summer is having enough coolant in the engine. Make sure you ask your technician to check for any fluid leaks, especially around the coolant system.

While it is possible to check fluid levels and battery life by yourself, having a trained technician do it gives you a better look at what’s actually going on in the vehicle. He or she will be able to pinpoint any current or potential problems, keeping your car in great condition longer.

Drive Smart

Whether you’re going on an extended road trip or simply heading to the park with the kids more often, it’s likely that you drive more hours in the summer than other times of the year. Unfortunately, driving in extreme heat can be harmful to your car. Try to do most of your driving when it’s cooler, early in the morning or after the sun sets. Driving when it’s cool helps keep your car from overheating.

Don’t let your car be a huge source of stress this summer. Keep it protected from the perils of hot weather and sunshine. Take the time to have your mechanic or dealership thoroughly check out your car before the heat of summer fully hits, to ensure it’s working at peak performance.